January 24, 2025


The goal of this inventory is to help ministry leaders reflect on their overall health. It is important to consider our health as leaders because the nature of ministry can be demanding on many aspects of personal health. We must care for ourselves as we care for those we lead. 

General Health

  • Am I paying attention to my personal life?
  • What are the obstacles I face that prevent me from a greater focus on self-care?
  • What am I willing to change in order to take better care of myself? How can I make self-care more of a priority?
  • What resources do I have that can help in my self-care?
  • What excuses and reasons do I use for not practicing self-care?
  • What goals am I going to set for better self-care?
  • What can I do to make self-care a part of my regular schedule and routine?
  • Do I have healthy levels of self-awareness?

Spiritual Health

  • How has my spiritual life changed over the past several months? Years?
  • Do I practice spiritual disciplines on a regular basis?
  • Do I have a plan for the care of your spiritual health? How often do I abandon it for other demands?
  • What does Sabbath mean to me? How do I practice it? How do I feel about taking time off?
  • Do I have a Pastor and/or Spiritual Director? How often do we meet?
  • What are the most life giving aspects of my relationship with God right now? What are the most challenging aspects of my relationship with God presently?
  • Am I in love with God?

Emotional Health

  • Am I aware of how my past experiences impact my present feelings and behavior?
  • Do I check in with a counselor at least yearly?
  • Am I aware of what drives or controls my life, such as food, power, work, need for approval?
  • Do I recognize how my family of origin and childhood experiences impact my life currently?
  • Am I in touch with what I am feeling and can I express this?
  • Are my emotional needs being met in a healthy way?
  • Am I aware of any compulsions, addictions, or unhealthy habits and responses and am I willing to deal with them?
  • Do I experience regular conflict? How do I handle and react to conflict?
  • What do I need to live full and satisfying life?
  • Do I love and value myself?

Physical Health

  • Do I engage in substantial exercise on a regular basis? How often?
  • Do I feel my age or do I feel older? Younger?
  • Do I eat nutritiously? Do I use food as a coping mechanism for stress? Do I take time to eat?
  • Do I have energy? Do I feel rested and enjoy a reasonable amount of sleep on a daily basis?
  • Do I feel healthy? How do I feel about my health? My body?
  • Am I comfortable with my weight?
  • Do I see my doctor at least a couple times a year?

Intellectual Health

  • What books have I read recently? Do I carve out time to read? Is all of my reading ministry related?
  • How am I continuing my education? What is my plan for continued learning?
  • How can I be a life long learner?
  • How do I use my current resources for greater learning?
  • How can I learn more about my area of ministry? Other areas of ministry? How can I learn about things not related to ministry?
  • How and what am I learning about leadership?

Vocational Health

  • Do I stay in ministry because I feel called by God or do I feel trapped?
  • How and in what ways does ministering to others minister to me?
  • What about my current ministry is the most life giving? What about my current ministry sucks life from me?
  • Am I open to feedback from those who supervise me and work with me?
  • What kind of support system do I have in my ministry setting? Outside of my ministry setting?
  • Do I have relationships with my colleagues and peers in my ministry setting? In my community?
  • How can I expand my support system and professional relationships?
  • Do I have accountability from those who work with me, for me and those who supervise me?
  • Do I feel that I always need to do more in ministry? Do I have a sense of adequacy in my ministry role(s)?

Relational Health

  • Do I have a mentor?
  • Are my relationships healthy and satisfying?
  • Am I paying attention to my marriage and family?
  • Do my children feel that the ministry comes first?
  • Do I have friends inside and outside of my ministry setting?
  • Do I spend a good amount of quality time with my family? My friends?
  • Do I have a diverse and balanced circle of support that can hold me accountable, support me, provide encouragement and challenge and listen to me?


  • What would I do if I could do anything (assuming money is not an issue)?
  • Is my life financially sound? Do I spend wisely, give generously and save carefully?
  • Do I have a budget and a financial plan?
  • Do I have hobbies and other activities I enjoy?
  • How have I dealt with pain and suffering in my life? How have these experiences changed me?
  • How have I dealt with joy, praise and victories in my life? How have these experiences changed me?

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