January 24, 2025

What about my current ministry is the most life giving? What about my current ministry sucks life from me?

This one is often difficult for many leaders. Ministry is life giving and hard. Ministry brings with it joys and challenges. Ministry can give us energy and it can suck the life from us. It is important to answer this question from time to time to prevent burnout, bitterness or even naiveté. We should leverage the life giving parts of ministry and manage the aspects of ministry that suck the life from us. In the case of the latter, sometimes it’s a simple change of attitude or perspective that is needed. Sometimes we simply need to work through the issue or season. Other times we need to equip others to help us in areas where ministry is not life giving. Finally, in many cases we need to learn to find the good in the midst of the aspects of our ministries that can be draining.

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