Check out this podcast episode on hugging your cactus, dealing with the difficult part of yourself as a leader! Voices in the Wilderness: Episode 20: Chris Holder & Will Kemp: Audio (Spotify) Audio (Apple) Video
Blog Posts
Self-Care Inventory for Ministry Leaders
As we approach the new year, I thought it might be good to post the self-care inventory for ministry leaders provided by Preparing for Amazement Ministries.
Principle of Thirds
Check out this podcast episode from Voices in the Wilderness about the principle of thirds in leading organizations. Audio (Spotify) Audio (Apple) Video
11 Indispensable Relationships
In his book, 11 Indispensable Relationships, by Leonard Sweet, he highlights 11 key relationships every leader should have. Check them out below! Editor-Nathan True Friend-Jonathan Butt-Kicker-Jethro Protege-Timothy Encourager-Barnabas Yoda-Peter/Paul Back-Coverer-Deborah Reject-Zacchaeus Little One-Rhoda VIP’s-Lydia & Lazarus, Rich & Poor Jerusalem-A place, the land Invisible 12th-Holy Spirit
Working Genius
Self-Knowledge is not a tool in the leader toolbox, it is the toolbox. Self-knowledge is one of the real X factors in leadership. It is our ceiling for growth and effectiveness. One of the greatest tools for self-knowledge that I have encountered is a fairly recent one, the Working Genius. I was so impressed with […]
One of the often missed pieces of leader health is having positive hobbies. Many driven people are so busy, that they rarely have hobbies. Sure, they might relax, vacation and even sabbath, but do they have hobbies? Recently I heard a leader make an interesting distinction about hobbies. Hobbies are those things we do and […]
New Podcast!
Check out my new podcast from Preparing for Amazement Ministries, Voices in the Wilderness: Conversations about Church and Leader Health!
Habits of Healthy Leaders
This year I am working on my next book, Habits of Healthy Leaders. Like the Habits of Healthy Churches book, we have identified the top 7 habits of healthy leaders, particularly from a faith perspective. 1. Healthy leaders are praying leaders.2. Healthy leaders are teachable & life-long learners.3. Healthy leaders do conflict well.4. Healthy leaders […]
Dealing with Self-Criticism
Criticism is not easy, especially in ministry leadership. Check out this blog post here.
Theological Hospitality
In a world that is growing increasingly hostile, including within the Christian church, theological hospitality is increasingly critical. Instead, we often engage in theological hostility towards anyone who has differing views from our own. This is not only arrogant and unloving, it is also rooted in an underlying assumption that we always right, therefore putting […]